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Social Media Reporting for Agencies – Apps, Portals & Dashboards

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Reporting and feedback are crucial for an agency that manages social media marketing campaigns for clients. Therefore setting up the measurement and interpreting the statistics from social media marketing campaigns must be done well.

Pulling information from various social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Linkedin and using social media monitoring tools, portals, and dashboards will improve the feedback you can give your clients. Not only can you present the data in user-friendly content, but you can also learn where to adjust your future marketing campaigns accordingly. This is why social media reporting is essential.

Without measurement, analysis, and reporting, your social media marketing will be hit and miss. With it, your agency can present which marketing campaigns need tweaking and different ways to improve them.

What’s more, there is accountability with reporting, and it works favorably for agencies keen to retain clients. Arguably clients also have more control over agencies and what they do. If service providers like marketing agencies have failed to understand and implement campaigns that deliver favourable results and do this regularly, clients have just cause to replace them.

Therefore using technology that captures and reports marketing campaign success is good for business.

Apps, Portals, Dashboards, and Templates

Many site analytics tools today help businesses and agencies track social media marketing performance. Some of the brands include:

Plus, digital marketing and social media agencies are spoilt for choice with subscription-based apps and platforms, including TapClicks, for more granular analysis to improve social media reports from well-known social media sites, including Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Expect these platforms to provide customizable dashboards and templates agencies can use to improve their social media analytics and reporting by bringing all relevant data sets into one dashboard via live API connections.

Social Media Marketing Report

What should be included in a social media report?

The specific content of individual social media reports will be unique, depending on the KPIs and metrics created by the agency and its client.
For each marketing campaign. However, three critical elements of KPIs and metrics that should typically be included in social media reports for marketing campaigns are:

  • Indicators of the audience’s presence and demographic
  • Web traffic
  • Conversion rate

Hands of the Audience’s Presence

A typical social media report will indicate the audience’s presence, such as shares, comments, likes, engagement rate, the best-performing posts, click-through rate, new followers gained in the designated period and the audience’s demographics.

Web Traffic

This metric indicates how much traffic the client’s website receives via social media. In turn, that helps to show how effective your social media reach is and how well your marketing strategy is performing.

For web traffic, the best social media metrics to track are traffic sources, bounce rate, average session duration, number of users, and new users.

Conversion Rates

Knowing how many bona fide customers come from social media channels is a crucial metric you and your clients need to know. You can improve your social media campaign’s performance by tracking and analyzing conversion rates. To understand conversions well, you should follow the revenue from sales through social media marketing, lead conversion rates, no-revenue conversions, and retention.

How to Present Social Media Reports

Your social media reports must be accurate, engaging, and understandable. Also, remember that you should always present your social media reports with your clients in mind. Therefore, they should be visually appealing and contain all relevant data. You should submit your social media reports using the following segments.

The report should begin with a short introduction of the report’s contents and an overview of what the information will cover. Sectionize the reporting of each social media channel and summarise the overall success of the social media marketing campaigns.

Remember to include different content types like graphs to present the data illustrating:

  • Engagement – likes, followers, comments
  • Conversions – click-throughs and lead generation
  • Sales revenue – actual and forecast
  • ROI – the return on investment of the campaigns

The Takeaway

Agencies can trust and rely on analytical and reporting platforms that social media management tools and service providers generate. Clients can have more control and confidence in their social media marketing agency.

Agencies on all budget tiers are more valuable to businesses when they can prove their campaigns have smashed goals.

Beat The Competition Reporting

What to add more value to your customers? Take a deeper dive into your social media marketing reporting.

Here’s a comprehensive approach to enhance social media reporting so your customers know you’ve exceeded your agency’s expectations.

Compare and Use More 3rd-Party Analytics Tools

We mentioned a handful of tools to use earlier. However, your agency could also consider using tools like Hootsuite, Buffer, Sprout Social, or HubSpot to gather comprehensive data from multiple platforms.

Not all platforms are equal, and neither is their data. You can cherry-pick the data that provides the detail your customers deserve.

Regular Reporting Schedule

Establish a consistent reporting schedule, whether weekly, monthly, or quarterly. This helps maintain accountability and keeps stakeholders informed.

Content Analysis

Evaluate the success of different types of content (e.g., videos, images, articles) to refine your client’s content strategy. Analyze which posts are generating the most engagement, shares, and conversions. Replicate successful content formats.

By diving deeper into content analysis, you are empowering your client to create more personalized and engaging content for each social media network and target audience

Attribution Modeling

Implement attribution models to understand how different touchpoints contribute to conversions. This helps attribute the value of social media efforts in the overall customer journey.

Sentiment Analysis

Monitor brand sentiment by analyzing social media mentions and comments. Identify both positive and negative sentiments to respond effectively and make improvements.

Narrative Reporting

Go beyond numbers and provide context to the data. Explain why certain trends or changes occurred and suggest actionable recommendations.

Ensure that the reporting format and content align with the needs of different stakeholders, such as marketing teams, executives, and clients.

Stay updated with evolving social media trends, algorithm changes, and new tools. Regularly update your reporting approach based on new insights and best practices. Always provide recommended training and knowledge transfer recommendations so your clients can up-skill their expertise in social media marketing.
